
Example IDP SLO Exception: `ServiceError: 'str' object has no attribute 'c_namespace'`

imgurbot12 opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello, I suspect this might be a configuration error on my part, and I know there was a resolved issue with this exception some time back, but I can't for the life of me seem to figure out what combination of settings would resolve this issue or if it's some sort of internal problem.

When running the example IDP with sign_response and sign_assertion set to true in the service->idp portion of the config this error seems to raise every time a logout is initiated.

Code Version

Version: 7.4.1

Expected Behavior

SP logs out from IDP successfully.

Current Behavior

SP Fails to logout with the IDP exception raised: ServiceError: 'str' object has no attribute 'c_namespace

Possible Solution

Disabling signing seems to fix this issue, but I'm hoping to build an IDP from this example that includes signing for better security during operation so that is not an option for my use-case.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. follow instructions to setup idp/sp as listed in the
    • generate ssl certs and cp them into relevant pki folders for idp and sp
    • copy idp_conf.example and sp_conf.example to and respectively.
  2. modify settings within CONFIG->service->idp to include the following options:
"sign_response": True,
"sign_assertion": True,
  1. modify sp_conf within CONFIG->service->sp to include:
"want_response_signed": True,
"authn_requests_signed": True,
  1. run services with ./ start