
🛤🚂 Rails 6 opinionated starter template with a lot of setup done for you to get started quickly.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Rails Boilerplate

A standard set of gems, libraries and configurations we use for our new projects.

What is included?


  • PostgreSQL
  • Devise
  • Omniauth
    • Connect with Google
    • Connect with Facebook
  • Kaminari
  • Pundit
  • Active Admin
    • activeadmin_addons
  • Active Storage
  • Sidekiq
  • Redis
  • Friendly IDs
  • raygun4ruby
  • sitemap_generator
  • strong_migrations
  • paper_trail
  • strong_password
  • acts_as_paranoid
  • pretender
  • valid_email2


  • HAML
  • Webpacker
  • SASS
  • Simple Forms
  • High Voltage
  • kaminari
  • bootstrap4-kaminari-views
  • meta-tags

Development tools:

  • Better Errors
  • Awesome print
  • Hirb
  • Bullet
  • Peek
  • Guard live reloads
  • Annotate
  • Letter opener


  • User
  • AdminUser (for internal admin)


  • Shoulda matchers
  • Factory bot
  • Faker
  • Capybara

Getting started

1. Rename Database name

Go to config/database.yml to change your database names and authentication methods.

 rails db:setup

2. Setting your secret keys

Opens the encrypted file in an editor. We use atom.

  EDITOR="atom --wait" rails credentials:edit
Changing the master.key
  1. Delete the master.key and the encrypted file config/credentials.yml.enc.
  2. Run the above commands to edit the encrypted files. Which will generate a new master.key.
  3. Copy and paste the values from config/credentials.template.yml to the encrypted file.

3. Deploying to Heroku:

  1. Create a Heroku App
  2. Create a RAILS_MASTER_KEY ENV variable. Rails will detect it and use it as your master key, e.g. in Heroku: heroku config:set RAILS_MASTER_KEY=<your-master-key-here> OR set ENV variable in the Heroku UI.
  3. Deploy your code
  4. Add Heroku Postgres addon.
  5. Once deploy has completed, run rails db:migrate on Heroku. heroku run rails db:migrate -a <your-heroku-app-name>.
  6. Setup required dynos.
  7. Worker setup for Sidekiq
  8. Provision Redis for Sidekiq
  9. Restart all dynos

4. Outbound Emails in production

On Heroku use Mailgun or setup the following ENV variables:


5. Omniauth with Google & Facebook