
Hamon.js basically simplifies the use of HamonAPI through NodeJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Official module for HamonAPI!


npm install Kizuru/hamon.js --save

You have to update first (if not using checking):


const HamonAPI = require("hamon.js");
const Hamon = new HamonAPI("YOUR TOKEN HERE");

Hamon.update().then(() => {
    // Your code...

// Returns a Promise<null>

Example GET:


const HamonAPI = require("hamon.js");
const Hamon = new HamonAPI("YOUR TOKEN HERE");

// Update and check if endpoint exists:

Hamon.update().then(() => {
    Hamon.get("endpoint", { /*OPTIONS GOES HERE (e.g: url, render, intensity, ...)*/ }).then(res => {
        // Your code...

// Do not update, just fetch the endpoint. WARNING: it will give you 400 errors if endpoint name is invalid!

Hamon.get("endpoint", { /*OPTIONS GOES HERE (e.g: url, render, intensity, ...)*/ }, false).then(res => {
    // Your code...

// Returns a Promise<Buffer|String>

How do I get all the aviable endpoints?


const HamonAPI = require("hamon.js");
const Hamon = new HamonAPI("YOUR TOKEN HERE");

Hamon.fetchEndpoints(/* Should result be a formatted object? default: false, type: Boolean */).then(res => {
    console.log(res); // Logs all endpoints

// Returns a Promise<Array[String]|Object>


const HamonAPI = require("hamon.js");
const Hamon = new HamonAPI("YOUR TOKEN HERE");

console.log(Hamon.endpoints); // []

Hamon.update().then(() => {
    console.log(Hamon.endpoints); // Array filled with all endpoints

// Returns <null|Array>