Keyboard frame calculations causing issues in IOS 8
Closed this issue · 3 comments
The keyboard frame is also dependent on the rotation of the device in iOS 8. So this is causing the avoided view to be moved incorrectly for iOS 8 devices.
I created my own category on UIScreen for returning the correct height or width depending on the iOS version. Maybe you could use something similar for the keyboard frame....
+ (CGFloat)screenWidth
CGFloat width = [self screenSize].width;
if (![self isiOSEight])
if ([self isLandscape])
width = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height;
return width;
+ (CGFloat)screenHeight
CGFloat height = [self screenSize].height;
if (![self isiOSEight])
if ([self isLandscape])
height = [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width;
return height;
#pragma mark - Helpers
+ (BOOL)isiOSEight
return ([[UIDevice currentDevice].systemVersion floatValue] < 8.0) ? NO : YES;
+ (CGSize)screenSize
return [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size;
+ (BOOL)isLandscape
return UIInterfaceOrientationIsLandscape([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarOrientation]);
Also one last bit of info. The user info from the notification with the keyboard frame info also changes for iOS 8
Hi Peter,
Ok so Ive redone a lot of the logic to calculate the 'diff'. Your code helped, thanks. Ive just tested on all combinations of iPhone/iPad, iOS7/8, for all four orientations and looks good. Ive just pushed to Github but haven't bumped the Pods version yet - think it needs more testing.
If you have time, a second pair of eyes on these changes would be appreciated
Glad to help.
Had a look and tested it, works fine for iOS 8 & 7! Thanks!