
create instance of OneShot with DummyBackend as fallback

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Mighty Rust @willeagren help me make a load(ddlname) .so file and create instance of OneShot with DummyBackend as fallback (no ddlname given)

file: https://github.com/Ignalina/alloy/blob/main/ffi/rust/src/lib.rs

let  db: DummyBackend = DummyBackend{ ddlname: String::from("dummy") };
db.from_chunks(arrays) as c_uint  

This gonna be glorius !

I will look at this when I have the time, maybe this weekend :)

I will look at this when I have the time, maybe this weekend :)

This will be glorious!
Perhaps this one is useful https://docs.rs/libloading/latest/libloading/ ?

Ive prepared an implemntion of the alloy.rs OneShot interface in https://crates.io/crates/thund-delta and its git https://github.com/Ignalina/thund.rs/tree/main/rust/thund_delta

I guess downloading the create .. will give access to its delicious .so file ..