

Closed this issue · 1 comments

  1. Wrong package structure was choosed initially.
    Structure should look as following:
  • controller (contollers)
  • service (logic)
  • repository (dao)
  • util (all util classes and mappers)
  • dto (dto objects)
  • config (configs)
  • exception (exceptions)
  • model (entities)

Simply move your classes to appropriate package.

  1. Get rid of DbAdapter - just rename classes to services and add all the methods form adapter to your service interface. (if you the last, who performs refactoring - remove adaptor package).

  2. If you have some business logic in contollers - move it to services.

  3. Refactor places in your code, where you see the possibility to write it better.

  4. Add shared navbar to the top of every your template + remove back buttons, rely on navbar.

  5. Make sure that everything works after your changes.

Update: DbAdapter will be removed in scope of #14