
How do I use a Document in a mobx computed value?

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I have a Mobx Store with a computed that observes the hasData field in theuserDoc Document:

// Mobx Store
class UserStore {
    @observable authUser;
    @observable userDoc: Document;

    get isAuthenticated(): boolean {
        return !!this.authUser &&
               !!this.userDoc &&
               !this.userDoc.isLoading &&

// Component
class _MyComp extends React.Component {
    public render() {
        const { UserStore } = this.props;
        return (
                { UserStore.isAuthenticated ? 'authenticated' : 'not authenticated' }

I never see the output html change to authenticated as it should, and computed! is never printed to the console. I know the document is correctly loading and authUser is populated because I have other code that reads data from userDoc.

Do you know how I can get my mobx store to correctly listen for changes to the Document?