
Vscode terminal emulator strange prompt behavior

Sniper10754 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

In the Vscodium terminal, the prompt is truncated in half, when a command is typed in the terminal, the right prompt is shown in a newline (it shouldnt because i set it to be a 1 line prompt)

Steps to reproduce

Configure your prompt to be one line
Open Vscode
Open a terminal




Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.1
tide version: 5.6.0
term: xterm-256color
os: Arch Linux
terminal emulator: Vscode terminal emulator
fish startup: 5.42 millis
fisher plugins: ilancosman/tide@v5

Additional context

Prompt shows normally on other terminal emulators

Duplicate of #433