
Status not shown with certain configurations

vercas opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

The status of the last command isn't shown on the right prompt with the configuration below.
My fish_variables file contains this though:

SETUVAR _tide_right_items:status\x1ecmd_duration\x1econtext\x1ejobs\x1epython\x1etime

Steps to reproduce

Set configuration as such:

tide configure --auto --style=Classic --prompt_colors='True color' --classic_prompt_color=Dark --show_time='24-hour format' --classic_prompt_separators=Slanted --powerline_prompt_heads=Slanted --powerline_prompt_tails=Flat --powerline_prompt_style='Two lines, character' --prompt_connection=Dotted --powerline_right_prompt_frame=No --prompt_connection_andor_frame_color=Dark --prompt_spacing=Compact --icons='Many icons' --transient=No

Then run a command like false.


With the configuration above, status is not showing:
Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 12 40 17

With the configuration below, status is working:
Screenshot 2023-10-07 at 12 39 38


Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.1
tide version: 6.0.1
term: screen-256color
os: Ubuntu 22.04
terminal emulator: tmux
fish startup: 8.40 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher ilancosman/tide@v6

Additional context

Works with this configuration:

tide configure --auto --style=Rainbow --prompt_colors='True color' --show_time='24-hour format' --rainbow_prompt_separators=Angled --powerline_prompt_heads=Sharp --powerline_prompt_tails=Flat --powerline_prompt_style='One line' --prompt_spacing=Compact --icons='Many icons' --transient=No

Not a bug, but maybe a behavior that should be changed. For simple statuses, (e.g. false), the character item already shows the status by changing color, so there's no need for the status item to show up.

Ooooh I see it now. I didn't notice it before because I'm colorblind.
If I do getopt -T then I see a status of 4 on the right prompt, so I guess it's all working as intended.
I just didn't know it was designed like this.