
transient prompt doesn't work if next command is typed in during output

PatrickF1 opened this issue · 2 comments

Describe the bug

If, while you wait for a command to finish its output to the terminal, you type in the next command with enter into the buffer, Tide does not go back to the previous prompt to collapse it.

Steps to reproduce

I personally first saw while running git commit, and while waiting for the git commit hooks to run, I typed in git push. That's my particular use case that I admit many people probably don't have. However, to repro this easily, you can:

  1. run sleep 5
  2. while the sleep command is running, quickly type in ls and hit enter
  3. observe that while the prompt for sleep 5 DOES collapse, the ls prompt does not


Screenshot 2023-10-08 at 9 21 39 PM


What operating system are you using? (e.g Ubuntu 20.04): macOS 13.6
What terminal emulator are you using? (e.g Kitty): ghostty (still in private beta)

Please copy the following information into the issue:

fish version: 3.6.1
tide version: 6.0.1
os: macOS 13.6
fish startup: 8.97 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher jorgebucaran/ oh-my-fish/plugin-wifi-password patrickf1/ jorgebucaran/fishtape ilancosman/clownfish ilancosman/tide@v6

@IlanCosman You can bind the new line shortcut key to solve this problem. Like this: bind --user --mode default \cj __transient_execute