
Last character in the first line of a two line prompt is missing

nuxencs opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

When opening a new terminal window or tab, the last character of the first line will not be rendered.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Open a new terminal window or tab (tested in WezTerm, Windows Terminal, JetBrains integrated terminal)
  2. Configure Tide to use a two line prompt
  3. Tide doesn't render the last character of the first line


  • Prompt missing the last character in the top line, in this case seconds:
    Screenshot 2023-11-18 150854
  • Not happening with single line prompt:
    Screenshot 2023-11-18 151037


Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.1
tide version: 5.6.0
term: xterm-256color
os: WSL Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS
terminal emulator: WezTerm
fish startup: 7.56 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher meaningful-ooo/sponge ilancosman/tide@v5 dracula/fish jorgebucaran/

Additional context

OS Name: Microsoft Windows 11 Pro
Version: 10.0.22631 Build 22631

Duplicate of #310