
Background jobs cause problem if the threshold is not set

lumynou5 opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

The tide_jobs_number_threshold variable introduced in 6.1.0 causes errors if the variable is not set. This happens after update to 6.1.0.

Steps to reproduce

  1. Install an older version of tide.
  2. Update to 6.1.0, so the new variable is not set.
  3. Run a job in background.
  4. See error.




Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.4
tide version: 6.1.0
term: xterm-kitty
os: Arch
terminal emulator: Kitty
fish startup: 26.22 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher jorgebucaran/ nickeb96/puffer-fish meaningful-ooo/sponge decors/fish-colored-man lumynou5/ lumynou5/ ilancosman/tide@v6 jethrokuan/z

Additional context

Please consider to set the variable on updating if it's not set.

Thanks, it's been a while since I've changed old items I guess 😅forgot how to be careful.