
Path is printed in console before rendering the prompt

KeithBrown39423 opened this issue · 10 comments

Describe the bug

Every time I go to run a command inside a project directory, the path (as well as other stuff is printed to the console) I have attached a screenshot because I don't know how else to describe this.




Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.4
tide version: 6.1.1 term: linux
os: 22.04.3 ~ x86_64
terminal emulator: Alacritty / JuiceSSH
fish startup: 76.18 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher jhillyerd/plugin-git jorgebucaran/ ilancosman/tide@v6

I don't know if this is a bug or user error, but any help would be appreciated

Here is a screenshot from alacritty

Nevermind. This issue was created by the path containing spaces

Nevermind. This issue was created by the path containing spaces

Wait what? Paths containing spaces work on my machine and are tested for...

i honestly dont know. i found issue 330 and 329 and thought that might've been the issue but now I don't know

i had this issue the first time I installed it too, but I don't remember what I did to fix it

it doesnt seem print a bunch of stuff if I'm not in a project directory, but still has this

here is my path if it helps

nevermind. the issue was with an alias I set

apparently this alias path="string replace -a : \n \"$PATH\"" created this whole issue

Oh, yah that would explain it 😄 path is a new fish builtin from fish 3.5.0. Apparently it can be aliased tho lol