
Message printed to iTerm2 after every input

LorenzoManfrediSegato opened this issue · 1 comments

Describe the bug

After entering a git directory, every command/input entered into iTerm 2 yields the following message printed:

set: -e: option requires an argument

~/.config/fish/functions/ (line 23):
            set -e glob[(contains -i $parent_dir/$dir_section/ $glob)] # This is faster than inverse string match
in function '_tide_pwd'
	called on line 1 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/
in command substitution
	called on line 1 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/
in command substitution
	called on line 16 of file ~/.config/fish/functions/
in function 'fish_prompt'
in command substitution
(Type 'help set' for related documentation)

Typing "help set" directs me back to the most recent existing open browser tab

Steps to reproduce

  1. cd into a git directory
  2. run input commands




Output of tide bug-report:

fish version: 3.6.1
tide version: 6.1.1
term: xterm-256color
os: macOS
terminal emulator: iTerm2
fish startup: 5.54 millis
fisher plugins: jorgebucaran/fisher ilancosman/tide@v6

Additional context