Telegram Bot

This bot uses library as a base and it can detect faces on uploading images, convert voice/audio messages to wav format with preselected samplerate.


First, you need to create and configure the environment settings through the env.yaml file on the root:

  • START_MESSAGE: "Hello, send me a voice message or some pictures."
  • TELEGRAM_API_TOKEN: 'your_telegram_bot_token'
  • TELEGRAM_FILE_URL: "{0}/getFile?file_id={1}"
  • TELEGRAM_IMAGE_URL: "{0}/{1}"
  • POSTGRES_DB_NAME: 'your_db_name'
  • POSTGRES_DB_USER: 'your_db_user'
  • POSTGRES_DB_PASSWORD: 'your_password'
  • POSTGRES_DB_HOST: 'your_host'
  • SAMPLERATE: '16000'

Then run migration command from migrations/ This will create all necessary tables.


Run and the bot will start working.