An (esolang) javascript assembly implementation.

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


An (esolang) javascript assembly implementation.


How to read docs:

command parameter<> #this is a comment, all strings followed by <> or <type> are parameters, all other strings are static words
add [num<Number>=1]
sub [num<>=0] #wrapped in [] means optional (possible default value)
...params<> #multiple parameters
comm (a|b|c) #case group
  • add [num<Number>=1] - Add a number (or increment by 1 if null) to the accumulator.
  • sub [num<Number>=1] - Alias for negative add.
  • mul [num<Number>=2] - Multiply accumulator by a number.
  • div [num<Number>=2] - Alias for divisive mul.
  • mod [num<Number>=2] - Modulo.
  • mov [to<Address>] from<Address> - Move values.
  • jmp label<String> - Jump to label (same as writting to jmx but with labels instead of line nums).
  • inc id<String> - Include an external module. Use like inc 'mod' to include the local 'mod.jsa' or use resolvable path inc '../path.jsa'.
  • slp [num<Number>=1] - Sleep for num milliseconds.
  • prt ...params<> - Print to stdout.
  • inp - Read a character from stdin.
  • if(e|l) [value<>=0] - if acc (or symbol) is equal, less, greater, less-equal, greater-equal than 0 (or value).
def name<String>
    #parameters passed are an array of: ...ARGS
    #acc of function scope will be linked to acc of caller
  • [aw] functionName<String> [...params<>] - call a custom function with params.
  • scope<Scope> - create an instance of an object.
  • name<String>: - add a jmp label.

Builtin objects are:

  • _math = Math
  • _date = Date
  • _process = process
  • _require = require

Other symbols:

  • jmx - current scoped jump position.
  • jmb - last scoped jump position.
  • acc - scoped accumulator, where operations happen.
  • ENDL - OS-decided line terminator.
  • WSPC - Whitespace.
  • ARGS - Scope-passed arguments.
  • null

A symbol created inside a scope belongs only to that scope.
Address == Symbol == Variable
aw == await
Accessing properties & methods:
M["prop"], M.prop, M[val]...
M.method ...params
Things can be Number|String|Object|Array
Weak typechecking is applied.


  • Variadic(?)


  • Functions and loops replaced by jumps.
  • Externals.
  • ifg, ifge, ifle.
  • Address from ops.
  • Variadics(?).
  • Async declaration.


  • Arrays should be like [1,2,3] and not [1, 2, 3] (mind the gap!)
  • Always escape string spaces with ''