- List from a given handle its styles.
- Officially tested for styles and exstyles.
- Has a built in debugging feature that allows you to performs an in-depth analysis, in a human-readable format, that lists and compare the found resolved styles.
Window Styles:
original style: 365363200 (0x15c70000)
WS_BORDER: 8388608 (0x800000)
WS_CAPTION: 12582912 (0xc00000)
WS_CLIPSIBLINGS: 67108864 (0x4000000)
WS_DLGFRAME: 4194304 (0x400000)
WS_GROUP: 131072 (0x20000)
WS_MAXIMIZE: 16777216 (0x1000000)
WS_MAXIMIZEBOX: 65536 (0x10000)
WS_MINIMIZEBOX: 131072 (0x20000)
WS_SIZEBOX: 262144 (0x40000)
WS_TABSTOP: 65536 (0x10000)
WS_THICKFRAME: 262144 (0x40000)
WS_TILED: 0 (0x0)
WS_VISIBLE: 268435456 (0x10000000)
resolved style: 365363200 (0x15c70000)
Extended Window Styles:
original style: 256 (0x100)
WS_EX_LEFT: 0 (0x0)
WS_EX_WINDOWEDGE: 256 (0x100)
resolved style: 256 (0x100)
- The method I uses to filter the styles has been inspired from:
- Helpers from https://discord.gg/GSVrHag:
@Grub4K - Code refining and optimization.
@mdev - Helped me fixing an issue where I was using the "+" opeartor instead of the "|",
which was causing an innacurate calculation of the 'resolved_style' variable.