
[KK] VideoExport incompatibility with BepisPlugins r18.0

EveKaczmarek opened this issue · 6 comments

Newest BepisPlugins r18.0 breaks the UI of VideoExport. Rollback to previous version resolves this issue.

It seems to work fine, are you sure you have the latest version of VideoExport?

Testing with KK_HSPlugins_2022.03.01, VideoExport 1.2.4 and BepisPlugins r18.0

BepInEx log is getting filled with this error after I open VideoExport UI:

[Error  : Unity Log] ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Argument is out of range.
Parameter name: index
Stack trace:
IScreenshotPlugin System.Collections.Generic.List<VideoExport.ScreenshotPlugins.IScreenshotPlugin>.get_Item(int)
void VideoExport.VideoExport.Window(int)
void UnityEngine.GUI.CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, int, int, GUISkin, int, float, float, GUIStyle)

Try resetting settings of the plugin from plugin settings or by removing the cfg file.

Still nothing. Cfg file was created from scratch and didn't changed at all, except the first string with plugin version.

## Settings file was created by plugin VideoExport v1.2.4
Does this fix the issue? Please check if recording normal/alpha still works.

Yup, now everything seems alright. Here's screenshots that was captured with r18.0.1 screencap, rgAlpha on top.