
HTML tags hierarchy was screwed up

xoox opened this issue · 2 comments

xoox commented

Hi, thanks for this great plug-in. My problem is that the HTML tags hierarchy was screwed up when using this plugin.

System information:

  Redmine version                4.1.0.stable
  Ruby version                   2.6.5-p114 (2019-10-01) [x86_64-linux]
  Rails version        
  Environment                    production
  Database adapter               PostgreSQL
Redmine plugins:
  progressive_projects_list      4.0.0
  redmine_agile                  1.5.3
  redmine_checklists             3.1.16
  redmine_issue_templates        1.0.1
  redmineup_tags                 2.0.8
  redmine_issue_dynamic_edit <The latest master branch>

How to reproduce

  1. Without redmine_issue_dynamic_edit, browse an issue detail page without signing-in. Press "F12" in a Chromium compatible browser to show the developer tools. In the "Elements", check the HTML tree. We'll see that <div id="history"> and <div id="other-formats"> are both child nodes of <div id="content">.

  2. Install redmine_issue_dynamic_edit, use the same above method to inspect the "Elements" of HTML source. Now the <div id="history"> and <div id="other-formats"> are both child nodes of <div id="main"> and sisters of <div id="content">.

Could you please have a check and fix it? Thanks.

Hi @xoox
Thank you for your message and raising this (complete) issue!

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to reproduce your problem. Can you please provide more info :

  • Do you use a specific Redmine theme ?
  • Do you still have this issue if you disable all your other plugins ? (trying to discover if there's a conflict with redmine_checklists or redmine_issue_template for example)

Edit : I may have found an error if the user only have read only access to the issue. Could you please tell me if the last commit fixed your issue ?

If you find this plugin helpful, please take a minute to star it on Github and rate it 5 stars on thank you very much 👍

xoox commented

Good. Problem solved.
Thanks for your help and this charming work.