

Closed this issue · 7 comments

the plugin doesn't work ( bd with discord canary, i also tried installing bd on the stable version of discord, but the plugin still doesn't work)

SplitLargeFiles.plugin.js: compileError
at Object.loadAddon (:4:268126)
at Object.loadAddon (:4:305956)
at FSWatcher. (:4:266254)

How can i fix this?

I can't replicate the issue, make sure you're on the latest version of the plugin (1.5.7) then open the console and see what error messages are generated then post them here.

I'm new to this bd plug-ins and stuff and coding in general, anyways all I did was grabbing the SplitLargeFiles.plugin.js (updated last month) and I putted it in the plug-ins folder, do I need to run cmd or something else to correctly install the plugin?

Go to Settings -> BetterDiscord Settings -> Developer Settings then turn on "Enable DevTools". Press Ctrl+Shift+I to open them. Go to the top of the page that just opened and click "Console". Once you've done that go to the Plugins page in Discord and disable then enable SplitLargeFiles. If you see any red messages pop up in the console, post a screenshot of them.

[PluginManager] Could not load SplitLargeFiles.plugin.js:

MetaError: metaNotFound
at Object.extractMeta (:4:266745)
at Object..js (:4:267614)
at Function.o._load (:4:370475)
at Object.loadAddon (:4:268008)
at Object.loadAddon (:4:305956)
at FSWatcher. (:4:266254)

When i put the plugin in the folder this happens, the plugin itself doesn't show in the plugins selection as well, so i cant turn it off or on , it just doesn't load ( also i turned off all my plugins except 3 libraries: BDFDB, XenoLib and ZeresPluginLibrary )

It seems that your file is somehow corrupt. Try redownloading the file by going here and using Ctrl+S.

Okey it worked now, thank you sir!
(my download manager corrupted the file, looks like he doesn't like github)

@ImTheSquid I'm encountering the same problem, but as soon as I've clicked "Console", my whole Discord crashed and I had to log in on my account again. Do you know any fixes for this?