
Not working

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I drag SplitLargeFiles.plugin.js into the plugin folder and when I upload a 49MB video it pops up with this error.
mFlGKl0 - Imgur

And I uploaded a different video which is 46MB and it still not working. Pops up the same error.

Make sure the plugin is enabled then try again. If there's still an error, open the console (Settings->BD Settings->Dev Settings->Enable Dev Tools, then Ctrl+Shift+I), upload a file again and send a screenshot of the error. The current version of the plugin works fine for me with a file upload size of 47MB.

Like this?

Click on the Console tab in the top right instead of Elements.

There doesn't seem to be anything wrong. Try redownloading the plugin and send a screenshot of both when you first enable it and when you try to upload a file.

Thank you so much! It works now, I guess because of conflicts with other libraries.