
Simulation of some new configuration (e.g., box-wings or Joined wing)

LeeElvis opened this issue · 3 comments

Hi, I'm doing some research on the aeroelasticity property of a joined wing configuration, and not sure if SHARpy can do those simulations of such configurations and which module should be involved, or if it can't, could you give me some idea which code I should work on to accomplish this? I think most probably is the structural module. Great appreciate for any help.

Dear LeeElvis,

thank you for your interest on SHARPy.

We have not built a box-wing so far. However, we already have examples of configurations with several lifting surfaces that interact among them:
- Del Carre, A., Deskos, G., & Palacios, R. (2020). Realistic turbulence effects in low altitude dynamics of very flexible aircraft. In AIAA SciTech Forum (pp. 1–18).

Moreover, the code allows the simulation of complex structures as long as they are build as a collection of slender beams. Thus, I think you should be able to generate that geometry. I would advise you to have a look at the documentation and specifically to these two pages:

The modules you would need to use depend on the type of simulation you want to do: flight dynamics, linear analysis such as frequency response ...

Best regards, Arturo.

Dear Arturo,

Very thanks for your help, I'll try this simulation.

Best regards, Elvis.

Hi, I am closing this issue.
Feel free to open it again if you need any further help or to show us the results of your simulation.
Best regards, Arturo