
Add tutorial for git to our guide

worthant opened this issue · 4 comments

  1. give a full example from creating a new repo to helios working lab
  2. Git is not easy, but the fastest way to learn it is to attend this course and to practise)

Better provide direct links to git documentation. Indeed, git is complex program and requires carefully written documentation. Best documentation is one, provided by authors of this amazing program... plus already cool basic guide:



About githowto

  • I think that it's just useless to configure the repo locally. You can create in in github and just clone it. That way you will have all the global name and email already configured) That's just a waste of time for most of the cases (not including cloning organization repo)

About the idea of git documentation

  • It's always better to understand all the hard concepts first, then move to practise. That's why i personally think that the is the best. You can visualize what happens behind hit commands when solving it's questions. For me, it just opened my mind. It makes understanding git so much easier.
  • and after solving all the levels in it, you can move on to practise and to normal git gocumentations

that's just personal preference, i have read a lot of materials about git and for me - it's best to just read everything, so idk :)

So, it seems that we could provide list of useful links to learn git rather than write our own documentation. @DimaThenekov has already published it in telegram, so manifesting it here may be a good idea

So, it seems that we could provide list of useful links to learn git rather than write our own documentation. @DimaThenekov has already published it in telegram, so manifesting it here may be a good idea

yep, i agree with that

i just thought that i could explain important concepts better, because, as always, i learned them through hard way, but they could be learned much faster if you adress them correctly.