
run dev ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

I see npm run dev in docs but where is it ?

"scripts": {
    "test": "node test.js",
    "lint": "npx eslint ."

Is it going to be added or was it there and removed ? dev mode is a useful thing to have you know :D

Make sure your npm install dosn't output any errors.
Then run exactly like in the readme.

have you successfully run npm run dev ?
npm install didn't output any error.

You should have a project rendered by the npm install command named "test-project".
So, this is missing: cd test-project
Then npm run dev

Works on mine:

test-project@1.0.0 dev /Users/.../vue-loopback-master/test-project
gulp serve

[20:49:37] Failed to load external module @babel/register
[20:49:37] Requiring external module babel-register
[20:49:42] Using gulpfile ~/Documents/Dropbox/.../gulpfile.babel.js
[20:49:42] Starting 'copy:server'...
[20:49:42] Starting 'watch:server'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'watch:server' after 14 ms
[20:49:42] Starting 'copy:client:fa'...
[20:49:42] Starting 'watch:client'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'watch:client' after 3.74 ms
[20:49:42] Finished 'copy:client:fa' after 11 ms
[20:49:42] Starting 'copy:client'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'copy:client' after 10 ms
[20:49:42] Finished 'copy:server' after 49 ms
[20:49:42] Starting 'copy:config:server'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'copy:config:server' after 4.86 ms
[20:49:42] Starting 'build:server'...
[20:49:42] Starting 'build:client'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'build:server' after 256 ms
[20:49:42] Starting 'serve:server'...
[20:49:42] Finished 'serve:server' after 1.02 ms
API server listening at: http://localhost:8000/api
Browse your REST API at http://localhost:8000/explorer
[20:49:43] Finished 'build:client' after 827 ms
[20:49:43] Starting 'serve:client'...
[20:49:43] Starting server...
[20:49:43] Finished 'serve:client' after 2.18 ms
[20:49:43] Starting 'serve'...
[20:49:43] Finished 'serve' after 23 μs
[20:49:43] Client App started http://localhost:8080
[20:49:43] LiveReload started on port 35729
[20:49:43] Running server

thanks, there was no mention about such directory and I just didnt saw that too !