
Workflow for custom, optimized Tensorflow and Pytorch models on Jetson Nano inside docker containers

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Embedded Artificial Intelligence on Jetson Nano

The group High Performance Multimedia from the Institute of Embedded Systems associated with ZHAW School of Engineering proudly presents a reference workflow to run custom, optimized Tensorflow and Pytorch models as TensorRT Engines on a Jetson Nano. Both the C++ API and the Python API of TensorRT is supported. Image processing is done with OpenCV 4.4 and everything runs inside Docker containers.

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Jetson Nano Requirements

Steup the Jetson Nano with the default OS from NVIDIA, and connect it to network.

Host Computer Requirements

The following steps are done on a host computer, they are tested on:

  • GNU/Linux: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS
  • Docker: Version 18.06.1-ce, build e68fc7a
  • GPU is not required on host

Cross Compile C++ TensorRT Applications for Jetson Nano

Run the following script to download the sources and build the docker container:

$ cd host
$ ./prepare_cross_compile.sh

Run the container and build all examples, plugins, libs, etc with the following command:

$ sudo docker run --network host  -v ~/ai_on_nano/host/tmp/TensorRT/docker/jetpack_files/:/tensorrt -v ~/ai_on_nano/host/tmp/TensorRT/:/workspace/TensorRT -it tensorrt-ubuntu-jetpack:latest
# cd TensorRT
# mkdir build
# cd build
# cmake .. -DTRT_LIB_DIR=$TRT_RELEASE/lib -DTRT_OUT_DIR=`pwd`/out -DBUILD_PLUGINS=OFF -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=$TRT_SOURCE/cmake/toolchains/cmake_aarch64.toolchain -DCMAKE_CUDA_SEPARABLE_COMPILATION=OFF -DCUDA_VERSION=10.2 -DCUBLASLT_LIB="/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libcublasLt.so" -DCUBLAS_LIB="/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/libcublas.so" -DCUDNN_LIB="/pdk_files/cudnn/lib/libcudnn.so.8"
# make -j 8

After the build is done quite the docker container and proceed with the next step:

Convert Custom Tensorflow or Pytorch to .onnx

Create the host docker to convert the tensorflow/keras models
Adapt the docker image id ddf619d90da4

$ sudo docker build . -f ./convert_to_onnx.Dockerfile 
$ sudo docker run --network host -v ~/ai_on_nano/:/workspace -v ~/ai_on_nano/data/:/data -it ddf619d90da4
# cd host
# python convert_tensorflow_to_onnx.py
# python convert_torch_to_onnx.py

After the converting is done quit the docker container.
If you want to use a own, custom model change it in the script host/convert_tensorflow_to_onnx.py or host/convert_torch_to_onnx.py Copy the files to the Nano:
Adapt and host_name

$ ./copy_to_target.sh host_name

Run TensorRT Engines on Jetson Nano

On the Jetson Nano, build and run the docker-container with:
Adapt the docker image id 4a04848cd325

$ cd app/
$ sudo docker build .
$ sudo docker run -it --rm --net=host --runtime nvidia -v ~/app/:/app 4a04848cd325

Only once: Inside the application container parse the onnx models to tensorrt engines with:

# cd app
# ./trtexec --onnx=tf.onnx --explicitBatch --workspace=2048 --saveEngine=tf.engine --verbose
# ./trtexec --onnx=torch.onnx --explicitBatch --workspace=2048 --saveEngine=torch.engine --verbose

This can take a while, but needs only be done once for every model.

Run Tensorflow TensorRT Engines on Jetson Nano


# ./tf_trt


# python3 ./tfTRT.py

Run Pytorch TensorRT Engines on Jetson Nano


# ./torch_trt


# python3 ./torchTRT.py


# python3 ./torchONNX.py