
Ability to play a sound FX localised in a X-Y dimension

Inateno opened this issue · 2 comments

Add the ability to localize a sound in the 2D space (giving it a X-Y position when playing ? Or assigning the sound to a gameobject ?).

This will change the pitch Left/Right to create the illusion of spatialisation

The original issue was to create the part about spatialization ability, since howler is doing it I just need to implement it to make easy to use with the engine logic.

What I would like:

  • give a sound / music to a GameObject (let's say, a bird).
  • define an other GameObject as "listener" (aka my player character)
  • the previous gameObject (bird) should spatialize his sound with the player position, automatically

No assigned to a project, it's not part of the migration to PIXI V4.