
PolEditor v1.7.5: editable fields in 'GPU' may have been mixed up; esp. the last two ones

RogerWeihrauch opened this issue · 0 comments

Hello to IndeedMiners
1st of all thank you very much for your effort into developing this very helpful tool. I was able to have a stable oc'ed rx580 at 1450 MHz GPU and 2250 MHz memory (of course by increasing the voltages a bit), but it is running and increased also gaming framerate a bit.
One thing I noticed, when changing from v1.7.4 to v1.7.5: maybe the last two fields in 'GPU' area are mixed up?
This is (only sometimes?!) when I want to change the voltage settings for the last to rows, the value of the last row changes if I change the value of the second last one. This is strange to me.
What do you think, could this be a bug?
