
[Liquidity Pod] BED liquidity

Opened this issue · 3 comments

  • Distribution of AUM accross DEXs
  • Volume Distribution
  • UniV3 Liquidity Distribution
  • Deeper Dive into UniV3 positions (further specs to be added)
  • Price Impact for trades (we aim for all trades to have the least price impact for better UX for a certain size of trades, trades of sizes beyond this threshold must be directed to exchange issuance). Establish standards for this for all products accross the coop.
  • LP earnings - We should be aware of LP earnings at all times to make sure we are not over/underpaying via our LM programs.

Hey @luismjohnston can you comment on this issue so I can assign you?

Yes, I can take this.

Great @luismjohnston feel free to reach out in case of any questions!