
Rename project

xan-m opened this issue · 10 comments

xan-m commented

After nearly 20 successful releases to TestFlight, Apple just rejected version v0.9.2 because the name contains "iOS". I probably should have guessed they would make a stink about iOS being in the name, but here we are. Name ideas would be very much appreciated!

I may also take this opportunity to switch version control platforms to something FOSS. I initially put this project on GitHub so it would be easier to refer to the InfiniTime repo if issues came up. However, I've only linked InfiniTime issues twice, and that functionality does not seem to be worth the trade off of using a proprietary version control platform when FOSS ones can do all of the same work.

Feel free to comment here if you'd prefer for me to stay on GitHub for some reason and I will take that into consideration!

Re: Name, the closeness of InfitiTime and Infin-iOS has thrown me once or twice: ("That's the firmware, that's the app") I would go with something more unique, especially if you may want to support other watches or other firmwares in the future.

Re: GitHub, I find the social features of it very helpful. I rarely visit (much less make drive-by PRs) to projects hosted on other code platforms. While I lament it being proprietary, I'm not sure it causes significant harms compared to the upsides: It's easy to move your repo elsewhere if you have to. While you may at least want to host a mirror of the repo that's selfhosted, I would recommend keeping the social ties and discovery of GitHub as an available feature.

If keeping the InfiniTime link, something like InfiniConnect or InfiniLink would probably work and slide past any approval woes.


xan-m commented

@ocdtrekkie good points above, I will certainly take those into consideration.

Thank you both for the name recommendations!

I like InfiniLink.

I like InfiniLink.

Just voicing my agreement on this. It's short, self-explanatory, and different enough to avoid confusion with other Infini projects yet maintains cohesive branding with the target device. Excellent suggestion.

xan-m commented

InfiniLink is the winner! Thanks again @ocdtrekkie for the recommendation and to everyone else for their input! Here's hoping it's not too much of a headache to make the switch in TestFlight...

JF002 commented

Hello from InfiniTime project ;)
I've just seen InfiniTimeOrg/InfiniTime#769 and wondered why you needed to change the name !
(and here the 3rd time an issue in linked between our projects :P)

Regarding the hosting platform, I also thought about moving to other platform (like multiple times. The last time was when I moved the project from my account to a Github organization. The idea was to move to a FOSS platform instead of github (that is proprietary and owned by a big corp).
But InfiniTime already had a nice community established on Github, github provides nice features for developers, contributors and maintainers and is not that bad for now. We decided to stay on github and eventually move later on if they take decisions we don't agree with.
These are just my 2 cents about the subject, but in the end, the choice is yours ;)

xan-m commented

Hi @JF002! Thanks for the input, I think that’s where I’m leaning at this point too. I’d prefer to host it somewhere FOSS, but it’s already here so it is what it is! 🤷

xan-m commented

Closing this issue. New name was accepted by Apple, and I'm staying on GitHub.