
Resetting the scene in beamadapter demo to train agent

Opened this issue · 1 comments

Hi, I have been enjoying your work.

I have been trying to train an agent within the beamadpter demo scene, however, when the episode ends I cannont reset the scene. How can I reload the scene without the environment crashing? Is there a way to reset the catheter to its orignial position?

Thank you


thank you.
The best way would be to have main scene that load/unload/reload the BeamAdapter scene. Then you could gather the catheter navigation position at the end of each simulation and process some training.
You can check what is done in the tests:
we are loading successive SofaUnity scenes to execute and test them.

Then, from what I understand, the main issue is that the scene is crashing at end? Could you share the logs

Thank you