
Callback function for onCloseEnd parameter is always being invoked

raintomista opened this issue · 1 comments


I'm trying to reset a form of a dismissible modal using the onCloseEnd parameter. However, it seems that the resetLoginForm() is always being invoked by the code snippet below even if the modal is not dismissed yet. <div id="login-box" class="modal" materialize="modal" [materializeActions]="loginModal [materializeParams]="[{endingTop: '25%', onCloseEnd: resetLoginForm()}]">

The form becomes unusable since the form keeps on resetting.

Any help would be appreciated!

Having the same issue, the function is spammed constantly and on any random action (mouseovers, nothing to do with modal). Tried this way as well

onCloseParams = [{ onCloseEnd: () => { console.log('ay'); } }];

Doing it this way will just not do anything at all, the function never gets called. Code copied from #354 (comment)