
Running with 'sonar.groovy.jacoco.reportPath' configured produces error - 'expected one element but was...'

Closed this issue · 1 comments

leoqa commented

We are on Sonarqube v7.6 and I installed the sonar-groovy 1.6 plugin last week.

The first time I ran a build utilizing this I did not configure the 'sonar.groovy.jacoco.reportPath' property and everything ran fine (I can see .groovy files in Sonar, new issues were created, etc).

I then configured 'sonar.groovy.jacoco.reportPath' to point to an .exec file and the job errored out with the following message:
expected one element but was: <WEB-INF/classes/com/companyName/productName/fileName.groovy, WEB-INF/src/com/companyName/productName/fileName.groovy>

I did configure 'sonar.groovy.jacoco.reportPath' with the same file I use when configuring the 'sonar.jacoco.reportPaths' property (which itself works fine and shows coverage information for Java files within sonar).

Did I maybe miss some other configuration or is it possible that the plugin should be updated to handle this scenario, like what was noted at: willemsrb/sonar-jdepend-plugin#6 (comment)


TobiX commented

Since JaCoCo coverage is handled by the generic jacoco coverage plugin and not by this plugin anymore, just deleting those properties will fix the issue.