
Team Meeting 14/02/2021

Opened this issue · 1 comments

  • Why this 2 boards? Design decisions etc.
  • a section to describe the Features of Apollo / Artemis
  • BOM variantions for Apollo

Potential Shield Ideas

  • get a collection of ideas what shield (uC shield) might make sens
  • LoRa, BLE, another WiFi and so on

Shield variations

  • currently x2 shields

  • what are the differences ?

    • The LED only on the Apollo, cost delta to be estimated => Artemis could get an LED
    • USB CH340, CP2102 (3 Mbit vs 2 Mbit and battery detect feature, not used yet though) => $2.2 vs $0.7 which is 7% of the low cost Artemis board (for 5 only including shipping).
    • Apollo 4 layers / Artemis 2 layers => Apollo could be changed to 2 layers
    • possible also to make an adapter to an existing board
  • how to differentiate shields e.g. sign, sub logo e.g. moon for Artemis,...

  • recommendation to add UART chip name on each board (ESP32 - CH340 and ESP32 - CP2102)

Potential Shield Ideas


  • the Apollo logo is a project logo (Apollo / Artemis / Leto)

Done this week

  • @MantaRayDeeJay review of Artemis
  • most review findings fixed
  • Artemis ready for prototyping