
Tags on dockerhub?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Any chance you guys can start tagging the images on dockerhub? It would greatly help us in our confidence of what we are shipping to production.

@bradseefeld Could you please give me more details about your need?
Do you need to know all the repositories associated to the images of your running containers ? Or you want to be able to create new targets that refer to images?
Please contact me for further information. I would be happy to help you :)

Hey sorry for the delay.

I am talking about the actual dockbeat repo. There are no tags :)

Its common for the production/stable build on dockerhub to be tagged with a version number. This way when I say docker run dockbeat:1.0.0, I am always getting the 1.0.0 version of the image. If you build a newer image/version and tag it 1.1.0, I can pull that down when I have time, test it, and then put it into my production system.

Currently this repo has no true tags:

So when I run docker run dockbeat:latest, I get whatever build is currently up there. If I spin up another server in production, it will pull down whatever the latest image is on dockerhub at that time. I could have any number of 'versions' running in production, which is undesirable and unpredictable. For any production system you want to lock down to a specific version of the build.

The ones you see currently are just 'revolving' tags which are updated on each commit of the develop branch, it seems. Also latest isnt really a tag anyway; it just points to the latest image, and the docker client wont always download the actual latest image from the hub.

Hope that makes sense.

@bradseefeld Sorry for the delay. I can see what you mean. I think I have a better suggestion that can help you. Let me introduce you to Docker Module in the Beats Project of Elastic. We have migrated Dockbeat to a new docker module in Metricbeat. This last is a part of the Elastic stack. **You can run it in a container **& take advantage of the power of Elasricsearch and the great visualization of Kibana for a better monitoring of your Docker infrastructure.
All that you need will be generated automatically, so you don't have to worry about the index template anymore, it will be loaded automatically and will be used if new indices are created. Thus you will be able to ship your data easily to elasticsearch!
To monitor your servers in Kibana, sample dashboards are provided as examples with the possibility of customising them.