
Bottom bar improvements

pkrasicki opened this issue · 5 comments


A few things could be improved:

  • change hotkey text to less intense color (white with 0.5 opacity looks good)
  • change hotkey text to a bit smaller font (perhaps 16px)
  • different icon for edit button (like the one on the picture)
  • icons are not aligned with text
u1035 commented

May I try to help with it?
I tried to change font size and opacity of hotkey text and align icons, but I don't know where to get new icon for edit button in geometry path format.

Hello! This button acts more like "Open" instead of "Edit" (I don't like how it's done in classical file managers). Not sure what icon we should use in this case. I thought it's better to change button text but keep existing icon. On mockup following icon was used:

<GeometryDrawing Geometry="M402.6 83.2l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 3.8 10 0 13.8L274.4 405.6l-92.8 10.3c-12.4 1.4-22.9-9.1-21.5-21.5l10.3-92.8L388.8 83.2c3.8-3.8 10-3.8 13.8 0zm162-22.9l-48.8-48.8c-15.2-15.2-39.9-15.2-55.2 0l-35.4 35.4c-3.8 3.8-3.8 10 0 13.8l90.2 90.2c3.8 3.8 10 3.8 13.8 0l35.4-35.4c15.2-15.3 15.2-40 0-55.2zM384 346.2V448H64V128h229.8c3.2 0 6.2-1.3 8.5-3.5l40-40c7.6-7.6 2.2-20.5-8.5-20.5H48C21.5 64 0 85.5 0 112v352c0 26.5 21.5 48 48 48h352c26.5 0 48-21.5 48-48V306.2c0-10.7-12.9-16-20.5-8.5l-40 40c-2.2 2.3-3.5 5.3-3.5 8.5z"/>
u1035 commented

Here are two variants with new icon and "Open"/"Edit" text.
Or previous icon with eye was better?

(I draw lines to check vertical alignment)


I think "Open" text with previous icon is better because "Open" text with "Edit" icon is a bit confusing. Also I think new dir icon should be moved down a bit

Fixed in #8