This repository contains a docker/podman configuration and shell scripts to build a bootable ISO image based on Linux From Scratch 9.1 (systemd).
Caution: This project is still work in progress, please fill an issue if there are any problems. 😉
Use the following commands:
docker rm lfs && \
docker build --tag lfs:9.1-systemd . && \
sudo docker run -it --privileged --name lfs lfs:9.1-systemd && \
sudo docker cp lfs:/tmp/lfs.iso .
Please note that extended privileges are required by docker in order to execute some commands (e.g. mount).
The created Ramdisk can be found at: /tmp/ramdisk.img
The final result is a bootable ISO image providing with LFS system which, for example, can be used to load the system inside a virtual machine.
This work is based on instructions from Linux from Scratch project and provided with MIT license.
This repository is also a fork of reinterpretcat to be ported to LFS version 9.1 based on systemd.