
Cmake errors on installation attempt

aligg opened this issue · 1 comments

aligg commented

Hi! I was exploring using ghostscript-js today to enable me to compress PDF files client side.

For me, npm install ghostscript-js failed with ERR! OMG CMake executable is not found. I tried to then npm install cmake-js first via npm, but after doing so, I still got the error. I could try to install CMake directly on my machine, but since I would be hoping to eventually deploy my changes to the cloud, I was hesitant to introduce a dependency in that way.

Anyways, i wanted to ask - is this error expected? I'm not sure if you intend others to rely on this project, but if so it might be helpful to add to the README if additional set up with CMake is required?

here's more of the error I encountered:

700 verbose Darwin 20.3.0
701 verbose argv "/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/16.5.0/bin/node" "/opt/homebrew/bin/npm" "install" "ghostscript-js"
702 verbose node v16.5.0
703 verbose npm  v7.19.1
704 error code 1
705 error path /Users/aliglenesk/.../node_modules/ghostscript-js
706 error command failed
707 error command sh -c cmake-js compile
708 error [
708 error   '/opt/homebrew/Cellar/node/16.5.0/bin/node',
708 error   '/Users/aliglenesk/.../node_modules/.bin/cmake-js',
708 error   'compile'
708 error ]
709 error info TOOL Using Unix Makefiles generator.
709 error info REP Build has been failed, trying to do a full rebuild.
709 error ERR! OMG CMake executable is not found. Please use your system's package manager to install it, or you can get installers from there:
rmeja commented

Indeed, CMake is one of the requirements for ghostscript-js. This is indicated in the "Requirements" part of the Readme. The install command is only indicated for the Ubuntu / Debian environment as it has only been tested in this environment.
sudo apt-get install libgs-dev g++ cmake
If you have the opportunity to enrich the Readme to add the command for MacOS environments, you are welcome to contribute.