
Suggestion: Hope to add a timer for hook

chengxilin opened this issue · 4 comments

how about use hook after some milliseconds when fish being hooked, maybe with a rng even? :)

how about use hook after some milliseconds when fish being hooked, maybe with a rng even? :)

用gather buddy自带的计时器就行

I wouldn't mind seeing this. It it as simple as adding this in to line 140 on HookManger.cs?

        Random rnd = new Random();
        int delay = rnd.Next(301,843);

        await Task.Delay(delay);

Added custom timers on

Hi @InitialDet and thanks for your work on this. I see the new feature with timers between casts, but I believe this issue referenced the time between a fish biting and then hooking. Right now, it looks unnatural to hook fish instantly as they bite and I can always tell who is using AutoHook and who isn't.