
StreamDerivativeOrderbookUpdate, StreamOrderbookSnapshot, currently unsupported in production

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StreamDerivativeOrderbookSnapshot(ctx context.Context, marketIds []string) (derivativeExchangePB.InjectiveDerivativeExchangeRPC_StreamOrderbookSnapshotClient, error)
StreamDerivativeOrderbookUpdate(ctx context.Context, marketIds []string) (derivativeExchangePB.InjectiveDerivativeExchangeRPC_StreamOrderbookUpdateClient, error)

This is currently unsupported in devnet, testnet, and mainnet:

rpc error: code = Unimplemented desc = unknown method StreamOrderbookSnapshot for service injective_derivative_exchange_rpc.InjectiveDerivativeExchangeRPC

StreamDerivativeOrderbook is still functional

Clients should refer to the API docs for integrations, SDKs are being updated sooner so we can QA before publishing a new pkg and update the docs. This is a new method currently being tested.

That being said, let's try to merge PRs in SDKs at the same time so that clients don't get confused cc @nhannamsiu @hmoragrega @vinhphuctadang