
crash on startup linux wayland

Closed this issue ยท 5 comments


I'm using sway 1:1.9-1 and inlyne 0.4.1 crash immediatly (there is just a first frame appearing before closing).

"name" = "inlyne"
"operating_system" = "Artix Linux [64-bit]"
"crate_version" = "0.4.1"
"explanation" = """
Panic occurred in file '/home/runner/.cargo/registry/src/' at line 1015
"cause" = "called `Option::unwrap()` on a `None` value"
"method" = "Panic"
"backtrace" = """

   0: 0x55d1b1b84062 - <unresolved>
   1: 0x55d1b2798b18 - <unresolved>
   2: 0x55d1b1f843d3 - <unresolved>
   3: 0x55d1b1f8023a - <unresolved>
   4: 0x55d1b1f5e692 - <unresolved>
   5: 0x55d1b1fbc31a - <unresolved>
   6: 0x55d1b1fb976e - <unresolved>
   7: 0x55d1b1f441e3 - <unresolved>
   8: 0x55d1b1fb1142 - <unresolved>
   9: 0x7f5b479c8cd0 - <unresolved>
  10: 0x7f5b479c8d8a - __libc_start_main
  11: 0x55d1b1be9cd5 - <unresolved>
  12:        0x0 - <unresolved>"""

Maybe related to #263 but the panic is not on the same crate.

Version 0.4.0 also crash.
Version 0.3.3 does not have this issue.

I'm ready to offer more information if needed.

It looks like that crash is coming from a dependency used by wgpu. It looks like we're currently using an older version of wgpu on this release than we were on v0.3.3 (likely due to new dependencies that needed an older version)

I can work on trying to get wgpu more up to date to see if that makes the issue go away. In the meantime it looks like there's a newer compatible wgpu version you could try by running cargo update on the repo and then try running cargo run -- and see if that see if that fixes things and if not then we'll have a backtrace that includes debuginfo at least

cargo update --verbose

Unchanged khronos-egl v4.1.0 (latest: v6.0.0)
Updating wgpu v0.16.1 -> v0.16.3 (latest: v0.19.3) 

Looks like khronos dep didn't change, but now the error is not the same.

trap at Instance { def: Item(DefId(1:14307 ~ core[f542]::core_arch::x86::sse2::_mm_cvtps_epi32)), args: [] } (_ZN4core9core_arch3x864sse215_mm_cvtps_epi3217h8adb6756d373c84bE): llvm.x86.sse2.cvtps2dq

The window close this time a little later with only the first header rendering.

Thanks for trying it out!

At least things got a bit further. I'll ping you after updating wgpu, so that we can try again, but that likely won't be for another week at least

tested with release v0.4.2 and it works.
Thanks !

Oh awesome! Didn't realize that it would fix this, but happy to hear that it's working for you now ๐Ÿ˜Š