
Mobile World Congress Feb 26-29 (Gathering Lead)

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Thank you for being an ISC Gathering Lead!
The purpose of this role is to build the ISC community while at 3rd-party events by:

  • Connecting together ISC community members who are at the event.
  • Letting others know about the ISC and inviting them to participate.

Follow these steps to accomplish these goals.
Check them off as you go!
Feel free to add any more ideas that you have!


  • Fill in the conference name and dates in the title.
  • Assign this issue to yourself.

4 Weeks Prior

  • Introduce yourself in the #marketing channel and ask for some ISC stickers to be shipped to you.
  • Create a new channel in the InnerSource Commons Slack specifically for your conference.
    Format is #event-[conference_name]-[year].
  • Let people know in the #general channel about the conference.
    Encourage them to attend and to join your new Slack channel
  • Plan some type of in-person get-together for ISC attendees.
    Prefer this to happen as early on as you can.
    It could be as simple as meeting at a specified location for a meal or chat.
  • Let everyone know in the event channel what is the get-together plan.

2 Weeks Prior

  • Remind everyone in your Slack channel of the get-together plan.
  • Remind people in the #general channel about the conference and your Slack channel.

1 Week Prior

  • Remind everyone in your Slack channel of the get-together plan.
  • Pack the ISC stickers.
  • Remind people in the #general channel about the conference and your Slack channel.

Conference Day(s)

  • Remind everyone in your Slack channel of the get-together plan.
  • Hold the get-together.
  • Hand out ISC stickers wherever you can.
  • If you meet anyone feels InnerSource-related, invite them to join the InnerSource Commons Slack.
  • Have fun at the conference!

Week After

  • Share back in the #marketing channel how your experience went.
    Better, yet, attend a #marketing working group meeting and share on the call!
  • Archive your Slack channel.