
Algorithm Application DFS, BFS and A*

Primary LanguageJava

# MazeApplication

IDE:NetBeans IDE 8.1
programming language:JAVA 1.8
Revision Control System: Git(Sharing an Netbeans project on Github)

                                          Algorithm Application DFS, BFS and A*
 The program solves and visualizes the problem of robot motion planning(robot motion planning) implementing a variation of    algorithms DFS, BFS and A *as well as the algorithm of greedy search, as a special case of A *.
 Algorithm A * is superior to the other two.
 The user can change the number of cells in the grid by stating the desired number of rows and columns.
 The user can add as many obstacles as he likes, as he would have planned. Curves with a design program.
 Remove individual obstacles by clicking on them.
 The position of the robot and / or target can be changed by dragging the mouse.
 Jump from "Step-by-Step" search to Search with "Move" and vice versa
 Press the corresponding button, even when the search is in progress.
 The speed of a searchable search can be altered, even if the search is in progress, as long as the slider "Speed" is placed in   the new one desired position and then press the "Move" button.
 The application considers that the robot itself has a volume. So he can not
 move diagonally into a free cell between two obstructions that are adjacent at their top.
 You can not change the obstacle, robot and goal positions as well
 type of the algorithm, while the search is in progress.