
MinoriPatch for old games ef_first, ef_latter, ef_ft, eden

imKota opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello @Inori!

Inori commented

Well emm..... to be honest, I haven't operated on these old games, my first targeted game is <ソレヨリノ前奏詩>, so I don't have too much information to share with you....

But since the goal is to replace text and pictures, I think it shouldn't be to much difficult.

For text, the tool fuckpaz can unpack and repack resource from those old games (except for Steam version though :( ), you can translate these scripts just like new ones. It's easy.

For pictures, I guess the old games also use libpng to parse png files, just old versions. And for libpng, it provides a way to custom it's io function about how to read from png data, using png_set_read_fn. You must first learn how to use libpng.. After that, your goal is to find png_read_info in the compiled exe, hook it and get png_structp pointer, then just reset io function with your own.

Inori commented

Hook CreateFontA and CreateFontIndirectA, change lplf->lfCharSet to your location should work.

Another thing is that you may need to modify some params of EnumFontFamiliesExA's lpEnumFontFamExProc routine, to enable some special font

Inori commented

This is exactly what I said about EnumFontFamiliesExA, see the comments here.