
Submit more available information when listening with mpv-mpris

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Checking playerctl when using mpv to listen to songs on youtube provides the following information:

playerctl -a metadata

mpv   mpris:length              232501000
mpv   xesam:contentCreated      2019-03-29T00:00:00
mpv   xesam:artist              一二三
mpv   mpris:artUrl    
mpv   mpris:trackid             '/0'
mpv   xesam:title               しゃしゃてん / 一二三 feat.音街ウナ
mpv   xesam:url       
mpv   mpris:length              232841000

Currently the xesam:url part in particular is not being submitted (supported as origin_url).

Other fields that could be submitted would be the duration as duration_ms and if you would be interested in parsing the url field submitting the music_service would also be an option.