
enum issues

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I had some issues using the tile merge filter in itkTileMontage now that the optimizer and padding method enums were moved to own class. I just switched the set macro for the peak interpolation method to itkSetEnumMacro and some other small changes in itkTileMontage.h

/** Set/Get the peak interpolation method. */
itkSetEnumMacro(PeakInterpolationMethod, MaxPhaseCorrelationOptimizerEnums::PeakInterpolationMethod);
itkGetConstMacro(PeakInterpolationMethod, MaxPhaseCorrelationOptimizerEnums::PeakInterpolationMethod);

typename MaxPhaseCorrelationOptimizerEnums::PeakInterpolationMethod m_PeakInterpolationMethod =

Enums are being worked on, see PR 146.

Enum's are now improved for ITK 5.1 and simplified. They are now in itkPhaseCorrelationOptimizer.h