
Deal 0 Damage

Closed this issue · 2 comments

I am using the latest DamageIndicators-1.3.2. It is not working well with latest WildStacker plugin.
Details: If I have WildStacker's entities stacking enabled, whenever I killed the mobs it will show -0.00 Damage dealt.

Details: If I have WildStacker's entities stacking disabled, whenever I killed the mobs it works like normal.

It looks like this is an issue with how WildStacker handles stacked entity deaths. I've created an issue over there (BG-Software-LLC/WildStacker#639) to track the root cause of this but as a temporary fix, I pushed a new dev build that simply ignores 0 damage so there just won't be an indicator. You can download it here.

Fixed with dev build 376 of WildStacker.