
Checksum appears to be wrong

rubenvde opened this issue · 2 comments

Setup a project and include Instabug-SP via Swift package manager.
To test: set the dependency rule to commit f9933135429c1de6d18daef0c265fcad5473aed6 (which is the master branch by the time of writing).

Expected Behavior

It loads the Instabug framework into the project

Actual Behavior

It says:

checksum of downloaded artifact of binary target 'Instabug' (d8557ca5e3ce264e1622573d254fda99fe0886ae87eb3c76a1587ee42a26962d) does not match checksum specified by the manifest (1151f47fe969df7c43429c938cd2b7661c9b775543180d2b931cea6dc59a0bbb)

Screenshot 2021-10-11 at 16 31 51

I already tried to clean my swift package manager cache/xcode clean build folder/ xcode derived data but nothing worked. Our CI has the same issue.

SDK Version


Xcode Version

Tested on Xcode 12.5 and Xcode 13

Hi @rubenvde

Thank you for the report we have pushed a fix for it, please try again and confirm that it's fixed now 🙏

It's fixed! Thank you! 👍