
NSException * "executeFetchRequest:error: A fetch request must have an entity."

gunyduny opened this issue · 9 comments

Screen Shot 2021-12-16 at 10 55 24 AM

Nothing but issues. Deleted App, cleaned App, nothing. Worked before you updated.

Installed both Via Coca Pods and Swift Package, nothing but crashes.

Happens when I initiate Instabug

    if (self.isRunningLive()) {
    Instabug.start(withToken: web.instaBug(), invocationEvents: [.shake, .screenshot])
    } else {
    Instabug.start(withToken: web.instaBugBeta(), invocationEvents: [.shake, .screenshot])
    Instabug.reproStepsMode = .enable

I comment out the above, my app works.

web.instaBug() & web.instaBugBeta() are just references to my KEYs.

Can you please share with us the crash stack trace?
And what sdk version are you seeing this issue on? And does it go away if you downgrade?
Also, have you tried clearing the derived data?

10.11.1 Via PODS
Have Downgraded and Upgraded.

I've done everything I can, just going to commit out the use of Instabug to get my app running again.

Did ya'll go to bed on me here.

@gunyduny while our SDK goes through very intense testing before any release, we have tried again using our existing integrations but this is not reproducible at all on our end.

Can you provide us with a scenario for reproducing this or a project that reproduces this issue?

Still doesn;t answer the question why am I getting these errors.

Scerario, is when I had the Instabug.start() it crashes 10 seconds later. with the above error. When I remove the Instabug.start(), my app works fine..

So i downgraded to a more stable version 10.1.2 and it works fine for me. SO the issue has to 10.11.1

Thanks for the scenario, however we tested more complex scenarios with no luck.

We are suspecting that you are getting an incomplete Instabug framework, to make sure this is the problem and help both of us spot the difference in your setup and the root cause of the issue, please try to use this sample project to reproduce the crash.

The project can be found here: