
The latest versions (after 11.7.0) can not be fetched/checked out by CI/CD tool AppCenter

sihadbegovic opened this issue · 2 comments

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

  • Update Instabug-SP library to one of the versions above 11.7.0, like the latest 12.2.0
  • Local resolving package graph is working ok
  • Start the same build on AppCenter and it will stuck at the step Checking out 12.2.0 of package ‘Instabug-SP’
  • The same issue does not happen with version 11.7.0 and below

Expected Behavior

  • Checking out the latest versions on AppCenter build creation works ok

Actual Behavior

  • Checking out any version above 11.7.0 does not work, it stucks at that step and never goes beyond.

Instabug integration code

Instabug.start(withToken: "...", invocationEvents: [.shake, .screenshot])

SDK Version

Any version after 11.7.0, even on the the latest 12.2.0

iOS Version

iOS 16.4

Device Model

iOS Simulator, iPad (10th generation)

[Optional] Project That Reproduces the Issue

Also, I noticed that version 11.7.0 is the latest that is using this url format for binary target:{version}/
and after 11.7.0, since 11.9.0 it is using this url format:{version}/

So, I created a fork where I updated binary target's url to: and this url works fine.
Here is the commit on fork: 05f68f5
It seems that there are some issues with this url: that AppCenter can not handle.