
Errors when shipping

jbouaziz opened this issue · 4 comments

Steps to Reproduce the Problem

Archive and upload a project containing Instabug installed through the SPM.

Expected Behavior

Apple shouldn't give me a hard time.

Actual Behavior

Apple is giving me a hard time

Instabug integration code

I was previously using Cocoapods for the Instabug integration and made sure that the Instabug.framework file isn't in my project anywhere else that through SPM.

#if !targetEnvironment(macCatalyst)
Instabug.welcomeMessageMode = .automatic
    withToken: "-----",
    invocationEvents: [.shake, .screenshot]

SDK Version


iOS Version


Device Model

"Any iOS Device (arm64)" build

[Optional] Project That Reproduces the Issue

@jbouaziz We are very sorry for that hard time.
Could you check this comment I think it maybe related

@Kmohamed thanks for getting back at me. Due to a timed release, I had to switch back to cocoapods for the time being so I won't be able to test that. I'll wait until we don't need to use any workarounds to use Instabug-SP. Thanks!

I'm also still experiencing this with SPM.

Hi @warpling 👋

SPM still have some rough edges, like this error. Check this for more details: Instabug/Instabug-iOS#330 (comment)